Where do you stand?
DFA-index measures a comprehensive list of considerations in order to address the increasing concerns of governmental pension and retiree medical health care benefits during the changing landscape.
For your consideration, we pose the following questions and compare the responses to new standards.
Financial and Plan Information
• What percent of your total financial statement liabilities are pension and OPEB liabilities?
• How mature are your plans?
• What is the ratio of retired participant liabilities to active participant liabilities?
• How are these ratios likely to change in the future?
Funded Status
• What portion of your balance sheet liabilities are comprised of unfunded pension and OPEB liabilities?
• What precent of total revenue are your pension and OPEB actuarially determined contributions?
• Do you have a plan for improving your funded status
Corrective Action Plan
• What is your timeframe for funding your plans?
• Have you discussed a plan with your governing body?
• What are your financial thresholds?
• How do your plan benefits and eligibility provisions compare to modern standards? To the provisions among your peers?
• Are you monitoring your plans through effective administration?